I downloaded the Stack-O-Bot project so and experimenting. I created a new Character BP and now when I try to change the ‘Jump Z Velocity’ from 420 to 900, upon enter it changes to 9.0, and then I try again, it does change to 900, but when I click ‘Compile’, it changes to 90000.0 cm/s.
Please do tell me how do I go around this and keep my desired number?
I have a video recorded of the behaviour but don’t know how to get it here.
Ok, just discovered that it adds two zeroes after whatever number I set. So I just inserted 9, and compiled, and then it changed to 900
You can upload to youtube with it labeled “Unlisted” so it can’t be searched, and then post the link here. That’s what most do!
Otherwise, pictures, pictures, pictures! A screenshot is worth a thousand words and it’s likely just a simple code mishap. Maybe check on the event graph but also the Construction script graph!
Hi @Mind-Brain, thanks for the fast reply.
I do work as tester and screenshots are main things I use just that for this case video was needed, however, little slow to remember to put it on YT, I guess because I wanted to find solution / workaround for the problem and can’t stay put until I found it. That’s why I sounded like panicked.
So the issue here is that the engine is not being consistent with the variable unit.
Initially you have 50000 cm/s.
When you type 500, the engine remembers you were in cm/s, but chooses to display it as m/s, so you end up with 5 m/s which is the same as 500 cm/s. You have the right value but not displayed in the original unit, so that’s confusing.
Then you type 500 again, the engine remembers that you are now in m/s, since it’s the new unit it choosed, so now you end up with 500 m/s which is 50000 cm/s.
When you compile the engine realise it shouldn’t have ever switched to m/s so it converts the value back to 50000 cm/s (same as 500 m/s), so the value didn’t change in reality.
I think that’s a bug that should be raised to Epic, basically the issue is that the engine switches to m/s after the first edit and only goes back to the proper unit after compile. It should always display as cm/s in that case, otherwise you get the issue that you have where inputing 500 twice will lead to two different value.
Oh no problem at all. I always report things like this to many places. I guess the QA in me must do it. Also, I have such a huge respect for Epic that I’d do it in a beat to help become as flawless as possible.
I will mark it as resolved as soon as I get an answer from Epic, so I put the link here in case someone else stumbles on this and wants to know. I mean, is that ok or? Otherwise, I’ll mark as resolved on the previous comment where the explanation is.