Jump Mechanic for First Person Controller?

I’m making this project from scratch, so I had to make a manual first person camera for the game. I’m wondering how to input a simple jump by pressing a key?

I have the key set already, but I’m not sure where to go from here:

Thank you!

I believe the character movement component gives you a jump function, should just be able to call Jump for a basic one.


That page there should show you some more stuff though if you want to get a bit more involved with it (changing velocity if character is moving, checking for crouch/prone states and such).

From the looks of your blueprint though, you have the jump command mapped to an AxisInput?
It’s probably better off mapped to an Action Input. AxisInputs are constantly firing so you’d be jumping all the time whether you press the key or not

You want InputACTION Jump, not Input Axis. Then call Jump and connect it to your InputAction
