hello i need some help with proper jump detection, while the default “jump” bp work “well” it have some isues which i need some help, specially in the "jump detection, the way it is make it really don’t have a proper detection of when “start” and “end” a jump leaving a big issue about "grund and air detection
1 - fake double jump, even if you don’t input a “double jump” the character can still "double jump based on "some animations, the "slow is the animation or “big” more easy is to happens double jump, the issue is which the basic bp of jump don’t have a proper detection of “when hit the ground” and if you are good at “timing” you can jump again before touch the ground even with the default animation, you must be good at timing of animation, if you know the exactly moment or framerate before the “end” jump animation start to fire you can fast click jump again and the character will jump in the middle of jump, animations where the character "make something more "complex can easy make it visible, then anyway to improve the “ground touch detection”?? like unless i’m really give him a “double jump” he can only jump again only after finish the first jump, i means after the jump end animation finish and not being able to jump again in the middle of the action, again some animations where the character after reach the ground do some stunt you can make him jump in the middle of it and even others cases the stunt can happens "before he even touch the ground or in cases of where the character before the jump do a “stunt move” it will start to jump in the middle of it.
Basically the issue is about how i can make a proper way for the bp proper detect when actually “start to jump” and when “finish to jump”, making in cases of animations with some extra moves don’t look weird and it have a proper detection of when it’s really leaving the ground and "touching the ground.
any help is welcome.