In the “jump from stand” animation, the character goes a bit down in the knees before actually jumping.
But the character is already in the air when that happens, is it possible to delay the jump function for some seconds until the jump animation goes up to make it look a little bit better?
yes, in the anim graph the transition rule is set to “Is in air” instead, you can make a custom notify at the end of the jumping animation, then in the Event graph of the animation blueprint, search for the name of the notify event that you made, and set a boolean value to true. Then change the transition rule to that boolean instead of IsInAir.
Thanks for your input, i still dont get it to work tho.
Is there maybe anything missing or could you see something I did wrong?
Ive added the notify-event to the animation, put the notify with boolean value to the Eventgraph and changed the transition-rule. Now its not even playing the Jumpfromstand animation, instead it is playing the JumpfromRun animation even when im in Idle-State, where there is no transition-rule to the JumpfromRun state.
sorry to bump this old post, but I’m having the same issue. I’ve followed the steps said by ViceVersa but still no luck. Someone could explain better the steps or tell if there’s something missing in the OP answer? Thanks in advance.
Well boys i figured out my issue, in your anim state machine where the transition from idle to jump is made. Remove the less than or equal to 10 speed node plugged in (IF IT IS) that fixed my issue. Its so odd that for like 8 months now that it was working fine, and now i had to change that…Good luck to you all.