Jump Animation Playback Help

For my project I’d like to link the playback of my jump animation to the point of the jump, so it will always hit the same pose at the top of the jump before going into the fall.

Since I have a charge jump system I can’t solve this through the timing of the animation.

Is there a way to make the animation play back based on the height/speed of the jump?

What about calculating it your self in the animation blueprint?
All you need is:
(1) The max height you want the jump to reach; from your charge system?
(2) Animation maximum time
(3) The time of the animation where the animation is supposed to be at the highest point

Is that what you’re looking for?

That sounds about right, yeah. I know how I’d do the calculations, but how would I make that control the animation?

Depends on the way your animation is made, but you could:
(A) Change the play rate of the animation. Is animation time is 1s, and at 0.5 it should reach the top, but you want it to reach the top after 1s, use a playback rate of 0.5.
(B) Split the animations into parts while looping (or changing the play rate) of some animations. Usually common in jump animations where you have an animation before jumping, while in the air, and for landing. You just move from one animation to the other when you want to, and you can loop them.

The second option will give you more control over the overall look, but it will require more animations and more work probably.
Changing the play rate is probably gonna be easier, and if you’re charge won’t vary too much (animation-wise), it should look good enough.

Thanks, I’ll give the second idea a try tomorrow and see if I can get it looking right.

Instead of calculating the time/ max height you could also just read in the character’s z velocity and make note of when this value is less than or equal to zero. This will be at the top of your jump. Then at this point transition out of your jump loop to what you want to play at the top. This would also be slightly more robust since it would result in predictable behavior if something is preventing the character from reaching their “max jump height” - like if they are in a cave or something with a ceiling lower than how high they can jump.

This is what I ended up going with.

My jump is one animation sequence that then transitions into a fall animation. I used my Jump Charge Amount to play the animation slower when she’s jumping higher. Just had to tweak the amount I divided it by until she transitioned into the fall at the right point.

Your idea would work were I not using a whole sequence the jump. I will probably try your method another time. Thanks all.