Jump Animation Blueprint

Hello, all.

I am currently working on setting up basic jump animation blueprint.
I set up the space bar to toggle the jump animation. It has 3 steps like jumping, looping and falling.
I only wanted player jump and land when I press the space bar once.

Whenever I press the space bar, the sequece didn’t go through to landing. It stopped when I release space bar and go back to idle pose.
How do I set up the simple jump event on blueprint?

Could you paste a screenshot of the conditional going from FallingGround to Idle_Walk? If it is just checking whether or not space being pressed is false, it will immediately go to idle, and not wait for the falling animation to finish. I would recommend you check if the falling animation has less than 0.1 seconds left, which is what I do for my jump animations.

THank you for the answer. But I didn’t get the idea of having falling 0.1 second animation.