Welcome to the July UE4JAM Submission thread!
Submit your entry with the following information:
Link to a download of your game
Team name
List of team members
Name of your submission (Please format it with your team’s name attached ex. TeamName_GameName)
Please remember to rename your project to [Team Name]_[Project Name] ex. TheEpicTeam_AwesomeGame
I also recommend adding a banner image for your project, it just looks nice.
After posting , PM me!
Send me the following information:
Team Name
Project Name
Each Team Member’s Real Name
Each Team Member’s Email Address
Each Team Member’s Mailing Address (Not a P.O. box)
Each Team Member’s T-Shirt Size
If the address is not in the United States, please also provide:
Phone number for lost postage reclaim
Tax or VAT number (if applicable)
This information will not be shared publicly. I need all of that to give you prizes! Make sure you fill out your info thoroughly.