Jsb sim cesium bug

Hey Everyone. Would love some insight on this.
My problem. Aircraft moves at super high speed so cesium doesn’t have time to render out the tiles. it might be because of my distance to the servers or something but I was hoping anyone knows a workaround, either precaching cesium, settings in cesium I don’t know about to allow for faster travel. Or would it just be best to use terrain maps or something to recreate the environment.

I basically need the play area to be like 20km x 20km

This appears to be a different issue based on the video. At 0:11 the terrain is being rendered fine but something hangs and the entire terrain model disappears a few seconds later (along with some items in the scene list?). I would investigate that first.

Otherwise, if you don’t want to worry about the speed of streaming you can always host your own terrain data either by purchasing the Cesium Ion offline package or using the open source cesium-terrain-server code from github.

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