Once again, this is a very often problem many have had with the “Set Game Paused” blueprint where everything freezes and refuses to unfreeze. I’m aware that I check “Execute when Paused” on the Input in player controller blueprint.
But, I plan to setup where you open the menu “Set Game Paused”(using P Key for example) and un-pause with a different key(using B key for example). If you entered in any of the options in the main menu buttons, you must exit them with the same key that closes the menu before you exit the menu and causing the game to unfreeze.
If anybody knows a way to setup this, please help me. Many tutorials I could find keep using the same key to open and close and that’s not what I’m looking for. So please, I’m quite desperate.
I am trying to create a pause menu with the “Set Game Paused” blueprint with one key that opens and one key that closes but as well as open other widgets from the main pause menu that you’d have to close with the same key you use to close it to go back to the main pause menu before you can close.
I can’t figure out a way to and no information I can find on youtube or anywhere else.
Please, is there a structure you can show me and explain?
I would say, all of those I’m having trouble with cause of how I have to spread them around and the un-pause key has to be in a different place which causes it to refuse to un-pause. If you can give me a blueprint structure and explain it, I’d appreciate it. please