Adding the Two Bone IK node, I noticed that the Joint Target Location pin is missing (As well as the property).
I’ve restarted, and readded the node several times, and it’s just not showing up.
Copying the node to clipboard, the result has references to the node, and I tried adding a bShowPin to the property, and paste it back in, but it’s not working.
I just found this as well, in 4.6. JointTargetLocation is not visible if its location space is set to world or component (but appears if you use either of the 2 bone space options).
In addition, I can’t drag the node around easily, I have to click on it once first then drag separately. If it’s unselected and I attempt to click and drag at the same time, it marquee selects the final anim pose node, and graphically glitches a bit.
Yea. There’s also a lot of crashes associated with it. Link the node to another node causing a space convert node to be inserted crashes the editor. Right clicking the JointTargetLocation or Alpha property crashes the editor.
I have submitted the following bug report [UE-6772] to see if this an oversight or intended as new behavior in the 4.6 update. When addressed an update will be posted to this thread. If intentional I’ve requested the new workflow be posted here as well.
This was intentionally changed in UE4.6. It was intended because basically Joint Target Location doesn’t work in World space and Component space. If you change it to Local space, then Joint Target Location will appear.