Joint constraint stretch too much

Hello~ I’m using rigidbody to simulate hair (ponytail) swinging, that’s great and I found some issue now:

  1. there are two bones with ponytail, I create two collision shape on them, and set Physics Type to be Simulated
  2. Add one joint contraint between the two collision shapes, then ponytail will have physical effect.

The question is when I move ponytail fast enouch, the two collision shapes will be separated and stretched, I just want it fixed and not to be stretched, I try adjust Inertia Tensor Scale and Prjection options, it works a bit, but not really nice, stretching still occurs.

Is anyone know how to fix it completely? thx~

I debug Physics Scene, and found that collision shape is fine, no stretching, no separation

Try an animdynamics node instead of allowing ragdoll simulation via phat.

Thanks for your quick reply, I’ll try it later.

I found a option on RigidBody node, it seems to be working fine