JoinSession without traveling

The question is:

I can create a session and once the OnCreateSessionComplete delegate gets fired (with the succesful flag set to true), I decide If I stay on the same level, or If I keep on the same level and displays the Lobby UI.

The problem comes when I try to JoinSession. The OnJoinSessionComplete Delegate gets fired too, with a success message, but the Login Method on the server side it hasn’t been executed, because the only way to force the Login method gets called on the server side is by traveling, spending an amount of time that depends on the content of the destination map.

I would like to implement a lobby that doesn’t force the clients to travels to the map of the server, where the session was created. I want game flow that minimizes the travels between maps. The travels will only be in the case of going to play the match (an FFA, a TDM, or whatever).

But I think that Unreal was made on this way, and can’t be modify without suffering a lot.

Does anyone tries this on his game?


Take a look to this thread. Maybe this is what you need.