Joining server via Steam ID

Anyone know how to join a listen server using a steam ID?

Ex// ‘join steam.<SteamID>:<Port>’ in the console

Getting the player steamid is easy (unique id from player state) I just thought that setting up a listen server and joining via steam id was an option. I would prefer to bypass setting up sessions if I could because I plan to use a service like GameSparks.

Ideally, I want to use GameSparks matchmaking and store the players steam ID on the service with there player info. When players are matched, the hosts steam ID would be passed to the clients and the clients would join the host listen server.

I’m currently in the process of setting up session management via steam so if I can learn something at the same time and help you get your problem solved everyone’s a winner. I know you don’t want to use steam itself but have you actually tried connecting like that over the console?
According to this old AnswerHub answer you seem to be on the right track: Link to AnswerHub topic

If you only used ‘join steam.<SteamID>:<Port>’ in the console, try with ‘open steam.<SteamID>:<Port>’ as well.

Hi Sorno,

I work with GameSparks. You would be able to authenticate your players with our SteamConnectRequest. Then when you have matched players with our MatchmakingRequest you would be able to store their steamIds on the matchInstance and pass them on to the client if required. If you need any further assistance from us head on over to our support page.
