Join Session does not work (Steam, Advanced sessions plugin)

are setting use lan= True when you try the local connection?
if your joining it through steam to the best of my knowledge its always gonna be a public connection
basically it goes to steam on port 27015 ( Query port ), shouldn’t really need a port forward but something you could try it’s basically like 8080 for web pages in most regards

I’ve heard that unless your using a server service provider you may also have to check your both on the same steam server if your game isn’t released

Goto downloads and set the region to the same thing instead of auto to ensure this ( downloads is the menu im in i just happened to leave the mouse over top of the Family button )

probably not the answer but at least some more advice so you/we don’t feel alone in this issue, if i ever figure this out i plan to make a full video on it… and answer 10s potentially 100s of problems

Some additional questions you can check yourself on
Does it work when you play in “standalone” Net mode “Listen Server” #players at least 2

If it fails this step it tells you somewhere in the logic there’s a problem… i don’t suspect this is the cause but i’ve never tried setting any URL options in the config like you did so thought i’d include in just in case, everything looks right to me

the above is what you have to do to test on local machine what would happen when you do get the connection right, but will not let you test your server connection flow a.k.a the BPs we’ve made for connecting,

For that you need at least two separate machines, using steam you’d also need two different steam accounts
You can try and force it to connect with console command
“open Your.Server.Local.IP”
of course replacing ^ with 192.168.0.x or whatever your local ip structure looks like,

You can find out your local ip by simply opening command prompt typing “ipconfig”
The line that says ipv4 address will be your machines IP
And Gateway would be the routers IP

you probably know this based on that you were using wireshark but worth mentioning in case someone else finds this post thats even more lost

Which would narrow it down to the way it’s connecting
i’m having the same if not a similar problem… i’ll post my setup if your interested in seeing another broken setup to compare too but its practically the same

Which leads me to where i suspect the problem is
This may help shed some light on the problem goto about 10min in

my current belief is that im gonna have to dig through all the steam documentation and see what the heck is going on… i think when you use the steamOnlineSubsystem ( you get the steam overlay ) Unreal engine then decides it dosen’t need to fall back on the IpNetDriver

So i haven’t tried this yet but removing the steam part i would expect it would then connect fine if you used the mentioned earlier open IP on two different computers

My findings seem to suggest that you can’t connect one machine running two clients unless you go in and modify the hosts file Really don’t recommend doing that but here it is in case you wanna look at what im referencing

My 2nd machine is in need of repair currently so i don’t know when ill be able to test this idea/concept of removing the steam parts

idk :man_shrugging: hopefully a network/Unreal expert or an Unreal staff member can at least point us in the right direction

Apart from learning the entire field that is networking im close to out of ideas at this point

I 200% agree i can understand leaving more complex stuff to these simpler nodes and c++ stuff
but it should certainly be possible to have a box pop up and ask what’s the intended behavior and have it setup the config for you as defined by your OnlineSubsytem of choice

Use steam AND IP functionality
I’ve defined my own in configs
Steam only
Epic Only
Ip only
Other online subsystem

just sayin it could be as east as check boxes and drop downs, for the people that don’t understand networking and configs just add an extra layer of confusion especially if your a Bp guy and c++ is non existent or minimal for you

Have no fear if i ever figure it out ill come back and mention how the f i did it :slight_smile:

At this point out of the nearly About 2,670,000 results that i can turn up with google i’ve gone through quite literally almost 10,000 of those results, the equivalent of like page 50 or something if google still did pages