Join in Progress Issues

From what I can see in Forums there are many people having issues with devices for Join in Progress players.
My issues are related to Tracker and Item Spawner devices. Tracker not displaying in UI, and Item Spawners spawning invisible items.

Did anyone figure out any workarounds for it?

One more question specific to Item Spawners.
Is there a limit on how many Item Spawners can you have in a map in order for them to work properly?
I have a total of 215 item spawners. Not all are Active at the same time. Most of them are NOT Enabled when game starts and some are being Enabled/Disabled during a game.
Maximum number of Enabled Item Spawners at the same time can be 85.
Is this to much?

Are you using a tracker assign to event on joining players ?

Yeah there definately is a limit, but undocumented, a few posters have hit it and they get unreliable, some not working, it could be too many if your spawning invisible items

Its a bit disappointing that you can have more vending machines in a map than item spawners, I published a map with hundreds of working vending machines.

Hey, thanks for reply. This is what I figured out and how I hope I fixed it this time. Still waiting for my publish to be approved tho.

So in my game each player has it’s own little spawn area. Each of these areas has a few item spawners, among other things. When game starts, these item spawners spawn items and all players that are loaded into the game from beginning can see these items normally.
However, for players that Join in Progress these items are invisible. They can still pick them up, tho.
Since all players spawn in their own little area, easy fix for me was to just reset all Item Spawners for players that joined in progress. I even added 1 sec delay after player pop from player spawner. Code for reseting is only:


In order for this reset to work Item Spawners must have Item Respawn property set to true, even if they are used to spawn item only once. You just need to disable them in ItemPickedUpEvent.
Seems like player has to be fully loaded before Item Spawner spawns item in order for them to see it properly. I don’t know if that is specific for my case since I am using a lot of item spawners even most of them are not enabled at the same time.

Now issue with Trackers never occurs when I am running game in UEFN session. My other account always get’s Tracker displayed in IU after rejoin. It only happens in public version.
I found some post that re-assigning Tracker to player should fix the UI issue, so I added that and hopefully it will fix it after they approve my publish.

My map is called Dicey Domination if you are interested to check it out.

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Well, Item Spawners are fixed now, but Trackers are still not displaying in UI after rejoin :frowning_face:


Maybe see if a HUD Controller works better with the tracker UI ??

Are you using the Assign when Joining in Progress setting or direct event binding the Assign function to something like all the island start spawnpads ?

I didn’t find any options for Trackers in HUD Controller. I also tried by having HUD Controller in my map just in case, but did not help.
I am assigning Tracker 1 sec after player spawns in spawnpad in verse script. I also tried by setting properties for auto assign on the Tracker device itself.
One more thing I can try is to copy and assign Trackers for each player individually so I can Enable and Disable them when player joins.
If that doesn’t work I’ll write custom UI widget.

It’s so annoying that it works in UEFN session, but not in published game. I have to wait for publish to be approved just to see if fix works :frowning:

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Im having a similar issue with my trackers. Whenever a player joins a fresh game, all their progress loads properly. But if they join a game that is already in progress, all their save data gets wiped. This is a devastating bug for my game, and in no way seems intentional. My tracker sharing is set to individual, and assigning on game start and assigning when join in progress are both checked. Same with Use Persistence, auto save, and autoload. Whats up with this behavior? In the uefn session I had a collaborator leave and rejoin the game and everything loaded perfectly. I even garbage collect them off the custom playerstats table i have, so i know im retrieving the saved data from the tracker in that situation. So why doesnt it work in the live game?

Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

Hey Please could you share a breakdown of how you were able to solve the issue with item spawners spawning invincible items when players join in progress.

I’m having this same issue now with item spawners and capture item spawners.