John Wick walks into a Medieval Tavern - Unreal Engine 5 short funny film

Have you ever wondered what could happen if John Wick walked into a medieval bar. While playing around with Unreal Engine 5 and Metahumans, we came up with this fun little one off idea that we couldn’t pass up! Hope you enjoy :smiley:


Hi there @Wrenick,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

The voice acting for this project is wonderful. It’s incredibly charming and witty. The “heeey” specifically made for a good laugh. Great work and hope to see more of your work :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

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Love it :smile:

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I honestly couldn’t stop laughing after hearing the phrase, “That’s not a Yabba Dabba!” The banter between these two never fails to leave a smile on my face. :laughing:

Thank you for the hilarious skit featuring Skyden and Wrenick’s unadventurous adventures - it really brightened my day! :grin:

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