I’ve searched everywhere online, but it seems I can’t find it for metahumans.
My question is rather simple, but it seems the response isn’t: Is it possible to add jiggle physics to a Metahuman?
To be specific, there are multiple ways to go about simulating physics in game engines.
One of the most common is to utilize physic systems in engine - In UE5’s case, which would be either physics or chaos engine. These are typically done as mesh deformations via spheres/cylinders set up in a physics asset, or a chaos flesh asset.
Another method would be to sideline physics simulations and just do the work yourself via animation, for example adding bones and weight painting on the mesh, then either animating it or using a 3rd party lib like kawaiiphysics.
However when it comes to metahumans, it can get tricky as the mesh isn’t actually one piece, and mesh deformations can lead to gaps in the seams. One could postulate that you could pull their body/head into maya/blender, merge vertices by distance (sealing shut any seams to create a single solid mesh), and then making any potential modifications… But then you’re changing the vertices count which could have implications on the metahuman JCM’s and other core functionality.
Simply put, if you’re just looking for a localized effect on specific body parts, you could likely do it within the constraints I’ve mentioned, but simply put… The metahuman features rely heavily on their topology, which is great as it allows uniform modular functionality, but on the other side sucks when it comes to customization due to limiting factors… AKA, if you want a two headed ogre with six arms, metahuman probably won’t be your go to.
Hi there,
Sorry for not having you answered in the summer, it must have been really busy!
I’ll try to work on that further and add the extra physics assets myself onto the metahuman.
It’s hard to find a tutorial that explains well jiggle physics onto whatever character (doesn’t necessarily need to be a metahuman, I guess the process is the same).
Most tutorials explain it very quickly, in 2 minutes, and it doesn’t look realistic at all.
Other more detailed ones are made by people who have problems understanding it too…
If you have any ideas, it would be welcome!