Jerky mouse camera looking around while holding A/D keys

When I hold strafe keys (A or D) and look around with mouse at the same time, the camera movement is super jerky. There’s recording I’ve did to show how it looks. First, I look around without strafing. Then I hold right strafe and look around to show the jerky camera movement, and, last, I stand again and look around smoothly. Doesn’t matter if its Lit, Unlit, or Play mode.

Hello tonpix,

From what you describe and your video, whenever you you hold down either A or D and look around with the camera, the camera is jerky. This happens in Lit, Unlit, or Play modes.

There are a few questions I have for you.

1.) What is your DxDiag?
2.) If you go to your directory by pressing the " ` " key next to the one on your keyboard and type in " stat fps, " what is that FPS
3.) Using the above mentioned steps above if you type " stat unitgraph" it will bring up a real time calculation of the performance of your project.

a.) If you would link me a screenshot of that.

With these bits of information I can better understand how your scene is set up, where it is most performance intensive, and narrow down the possibilities of what is causing your camera to lag.

Thank you,

Hello tonpix,

I haven’t heard from you yet. I was wondering if you had a chance to look into the above mentioned troubleshoots? Also, did you fix this yourself?

Please let me know if you are still having a problem.

Thank you,

Thanks for answer.While I appreciate you hoped in so quick, I’ve got just now moment to make screenshot:



For dxdiag, I’m hesitant to give screenshot of kind of personal machine details. What information would like to know?

You can go into your character and where it takes in mousex and mousey (it will be called LookUp and LookRight if you used a template) and take the axisvalue and divide it by 2 that will reduce mouse sensitive by 50% for example, this is the basis of setting up mouse sensitivity in a game.

If its a custom character, its more than likely some blueprint error somewhrer rather than an engine bug or hardware related.

If this answer helped you clear things up at all or fixed your issue dont forget to select an answer so people that search/google your problem in the future know what to do for the same issue since the answer will turn green.

After looking at your video it looks like the tick rate changes when strafeing. Are you on low end hardware? Have you changed the tick rate with unreal 4.9 in any way?

Canyou post the Lookup/right or MouseX/MouseY setup as well as the Movement → AddCharacterMovement setup for your character?

Does this only happen in this project or all projects? Try a fresh 1p char template, does it do the same thing? (If so then its your mouse or mouse settings and not unreal, if it still happens its unreal and an engine reinstlal is in order)

No template used. Made character BP from scratch.

BP/hardware being fault is less likely due to fact it works flawless in 4.8.3 - it’s smooth there.

All I did, was converting to 4.9 as copy, opening it and hitting Play button or looking around in viewport, so I assumed something changed in 4.9 that caused jerky movement.

Opening fresh 4.9 1st person template shows no jerkiness in looking around.

My hardware isn’t low end - 2600K@4.5GHz, GTX670, 16GB RAM.

Hello Tonpix,

It could be due to optimization. I noticed that in your screenshot your GPU was running at over 20 in 4.9. If you enter the console command ProfileGPU then UE4 will take a sample from when you entered the command. From that you can derive where most of your calculations are taking place.

I am not aware of a change in 4.9 that would cause the camera to moving differently to cause what you are experiencing.

If you are still having trouble after you look through where your GPU is doing the most calculation, and you are willing, I can attempt to recreate this issue on my end.

To do that I will need your .uproject, content, and config folders from your project files.

Let me know what you find out and what you want to do next.

Thank you,

Very useful command for future project optimizations. I’ve used it and checked camera again and now I’m confused. When I hit Play, there’s no jerkiness in both UE4 versions. When I’m looking around in viewport/editing mode, there’s jerkiness. But in 4.8.3 it’s much smaller and happens occasionally, while in 4.9 it’s happening all time. No clue why it’s different now.

For project files, I’ll gladly send if it helps with confusing issue. Where can I send link/archive privately?

If you click on my name there should be an e-mail attached to it. That is my work email and I will be able to view it there.

I’ve checked your profile, but couldn’t find e-mail address anywhere.

Hello tonpix,

If you would search my name on our forums and send me a private message. Forgot the email could be hidden.
