Jelly Pop - [EPIC PICKS] + Project Review

Jelly Pop now becomes the third addition of my Pop Game Series, which includes

Chick Pop - Epic Picks Featured!
Map Code: 9862-5067-0679

Boogie Pop
Map Code: 9485-8633-0575

Jelly Pop - Epic Picks Featured!
Map Code: 6373-8299-7009

My main objective for this project was to create an experience within Fortnite that feels like a mobile game. This project involves combining unique lighting techniques and styling with Fortnite Creative Devices to give it that mobile game feel.

Each game from the series, carries the same base aesthetic, and is molded to its individual theme. Jelly Pop, was especially fun to create because I got the chance to implement dynamic lighting techniques to highlight the underwater atmosphere.

Learn How to Create Dynamic Lighting in your Fortnite Creative Games!

My biggest challenge was to try to ensure this series would be easy to play on mobile too! :smile:


With the release of the Pop Series, I was hoping to display the possibilities of Fortnite 1.0. This project for me, reflects a good display of how to implement all the 5 elements of game structure which are:

  • Conflict
    Players have to beat the clock and get as many eliminations as they can

  • Strategy and Chance
    Players can choose which weapon will help them eliminate the fastest.

  • Aesthetics
    Each game is beautifully designed to fit the theme.

  • Theme and Story
    Various themes allows players to choose and have fun

  • Rewards
    Once games are calibrated (hopefully), players earn experience points every time they reach a milestone

In the future, I will be able to implement easy, medium, hard levels that would introduce more conflict and complexity! Plus now I am so grateful for UEFN, because it will allow me to upgrade my series even further!

Check out my featured tutorials on the EDC
Featured Tutorials by BLZE.DRAGON


Just wanted to say that it’s unusual to see such a well-polished game. You don’t see many gallery shooters being made these days despite them being a mainstay of the games industry’s arcade roots. I know this is somewhat late but I just started doing community spotlights on threads for unusual projects and this caught my eye. Definently going to feature it! Well done!

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Thank you, I’m super grateful!
I appreciate you taking the time to check out my post and look forward to seeing the feature! Lastly, I agree, there aren’t as many gallery shooters in FN 1.0 , but now with UEFN, hopefully we will see more of these types of games soon! :+1:

I don’t have time myself as I’m working on other things and learning Verse, but have you tried making an on-rails version of this?

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No, I have not considered making an on rails version of this game mode! Would definitely be interesting!

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In theory, you’d soawn the player within an invisible box with one side open and slide them along a route defined by the animation sequencer. Using mutators zones to trigger events as they move along the course. The complication is if you can keep the player centered and if the movement is smooth enough not to jitter the camera.

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Oh wow! That sounds great!
Definitely would be a challenge to smooth out the jittering too!

Just want to share that Chick Pop is now discoverable in the Epic Picks Category!

Map Code: 9862-5067-0679



Just wanted to share that Jelly Pop is now featured in Epic Picks, starting week of September 27th, 2023! I am so grateful to Epic for this opportunity and I hope everyone who plays enjoy!

Great news everyone!

On Sept 27th, 2023, Jelly Pop was featured during a Creating in Fortnite Session with
[EPIC] Kalishane, Josh Grant and special guest: @ImmatureG

Just wanted to express my gratitude to EPIC for this acknowledgement!
Thank you so much!

If you missed it, I invite you to check out this session. It is a great session about how to market your game in Fortnite Creative!

Immature Drops some amazing gems here!!

Love it!

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