Java_home is currenty set to c:/programfiles/xxxxx ?!

Hey, as the title says, while compiling, im getting the error that my java home is set to c:/programfiles/ whatever, but inside the project settings its not, its set to

Also the variables are set the same way.

While i posted this, in the compiling process i rentered the path ( copy pasted the one which was alrdy set, so a typo is impossible) and noticed for some reasons it works and the game actually shows up on my smartphone.

To get sure if this was rly doing something, i deleted the apk from my smartphone to try again.

But with the same setup like before, without changing anything on the paths while compiling, its not working again, same issue, java_home is set to c:/ what ever.
Any idea wtf is wrong here :stuck_out_tongue: ? im rly confused

Go to Computer -> System Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables and check if you don’t have duplicated JAVA_HOME variables.

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