“midnight on the night of January 18th”

Meaning before it turns to the 19th I thought ? Because this is the morning of the 18th.

Well I mean if the deadline is past now then they only have four games… I think it’s safe to assume that it was a typo in the post and the countdowns are right, at least I hope so. Anyways cool stuff guys, mines pretty close to done too. I’ll post it soon. :slight_smile:

Team Name:
Team Member:
Name of Submission: My Turn
Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/acyens6kxoapm8e/.rar?dl=0
My submission is a short exploration game inspired by PT (Silent Hills). It is compatible with the oculus rift for the best experience. Enjoy!
AWSD- Movement
Spacebar- Jump
Shift- Sprint

I’ve been working on an entry - hopefully we have the entirety of tomorrow, but if not, I suppose next time!

it means you have until midnight Sunday 18th @ 12:00, which is sort of Monday Morning because it is a.m.

another words you still have until midnight, Eastern Standard Time or Sunday Night until 12

this confusion is why he posts the time you have remaining, just put 18 up there twice by mistake. (the Monday he meant was the 19th)
there are so many submissions from different parts of the world & not all observe Daylights Savings Time or the same times that we on the east coast observe it, so use the link.
another words, just use this countdown if you have any questions on the time remaining until the deadline:

Yeah that’s pretty much what I taught happened, but thanks for confirming it though :wink:

I finally had a to enter one of these, so here goes. This one is for Ray, because needs a jetpack… :wink:

Team Name: HB
Members: Henk Bernhardt
Game Name: HB_GoldenBalls
Download Link: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

Team Name: JustForFun
Members: me (1 developer, 2 artist: Sebastiano and Matteo)
Game Name: JustForFun_Rubik
Download Link: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

The game should be a basic Rubik game with some standars move and the goal is to solve it (back to square one when it was ok),
but we had only 1 account (the other 2 are waiting the github pack activation from over 2 weeks now) and Evolve beta was out this weekend.

Problems (todo):
cubes rotations are local instead of global (that means that you cannot combine vertical and horizzontal movements). No times to fix it :frowning:

Yes sorry for the typo! Deadline is in about 12 hrs from now! Sorry for any confusion :expressionless:

Also a reminder: PM me the email addresses of your team members so we can dole out the rewards quicker :slight_smile:

The First Square

Team Name: Fuchs
Members: Fuchs
Game Name: Fuchs_TheFirstSquare

Mirror 1: Dropbox - Error
Mirror 2: foxdev.de steht zum Verkauf - Sedo GmbH
Mirror 3: http://uploaded.net/file/awyzm2ky
Mirror 4: MEGA

Music: http://armadillo.cc/quietthistle/
(Creative Commons Attribution)

Gotta say this was intense. Learned a lot and had some great fun. Hope the game’s not too hard or easy. :smiley:

Team Name: Cross
List of Team Members: Cross

Name of submission: Cross_Back To Square One

Download Link: MEGA

Description: You are a metal ball task with the job of getting to square 2 and then back to square 1 to activate it in time before the world resets only then can you end the cycle of constant resets and finaly live your life on some sort of a normal timeline. ATTENTION look out for resets switches that have been placed in obstructive positions as they will eliminate all of your progress. During your journey look out for blue time squares as they will extend the time untill the level resets.

Controls: normal WASD controles for movement of the ball.

  • ESC returns you to the menu

info: the game is very short only has one level and is not to hard to complete but i have other stuff i need to do before the day ends and i now have the game in a non-broken state. I would love to be able to make multipule levels and longer levels but life has a habbit of getting in the way.

Submission - Back To The Square

Hey guys, my submission:

**Team name: **Team Ultimate
**List of Team Members: **me, iUltimateLP
**Name of Submission: **TeamUltimate_BackToTheSquare
**Link: **Google Drive - Virus scan warning
**Soundtrack: **From me :slight_smile:

How To Play:**
W,A,S,D basic movement
Left click to grab objects, right click to drop
Press the button to get a random shape out of the output. Then put this in the corresponding machine to get a square. You see those steps on the Instructions wall.
Have fun!


Team Name : MX
List of Team Members: Ivaylo Pelov ; Miller
Name of submission:MX_BtSQ1
Description: Cheesy 80’s game
Download: https://.google.com/file/d/0BwHX-PingVgidTRHal85SEtzTDQ/view?usp=sharing

Team Members x1 - WarpSpasm
Game Name - HopScotch
DownLoad - https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5ebqy4vyfmkx4n/WarpSpasmJanGameJam.zip?dl=0
Controls- W S A D
Space to Jump
Mouse to Fire

Game Jam Submission

Hello guys, here is my submission:

Team Name: Kucev
Team Members: Gabor
Submission Name: Kucev_SilentChamber

Download Link: https://.google.com/file/d/0B5f-nrohWZfgZFhPN0w2TDBadk0/view?usp=sharing

Movement: WSAD
Use: E
Rotate Cube: Q, E


Team Name: Underpant Gnomes
Team Members: Ernő Király - Game Design | Kinga Günther - Texturing | András Torma - Mechanism/Modelling
Name of Submission: Underpant Gnomes_Burning Sensation
Download Link: http://goo.gl/PuQL84 - This one was a debug version with wrong playerstart location.
Download Link: http://goo.gl/jUFRVW

Short guidelines: We did it a few times, the rock is pass-able. If you had enough, quit, do not harm your computer.


MaxGames - Light Runner

Team Name: MaxGames
Team Members: Fights (Just me)
Submission Name: Light Runner

Download Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!6BkCWDCa!eQzHtvykfUTPU5NjFad-Nek2krdZrI3a7WdhYWpiqHk <– Updated Download Link (Fixed a bug that got though)

Light Runner contains an in game tutorial which you can read, this will explain everything. But just in case I will also put some info here. I hope you guys like it, because this is my first Unreal Engine game!

A and D to move Left and Right.
SPACEBAR to jump.
P to pause the game.

Every unlit square you run over will count as one point, but if you run over any glowing red squares, you’ll be going all the way back to square one.
If you run over a green square you will get 10 points instead of one.
Try to get a better score and rating each run.
Have fun! :slight_smile:

Team Name:

List of Team Members:
MrDoxies (Dylan)

Name of Submission:



I had such a hard time coming up with an idea to go with the theme. To the point where the project didn’t even start
full development until Saturday. Oh well maybe next month I’ll have more inspiration.



Back to Square 1 Submission [from 1/2hawk and ]

Team Name:
Team Gulp

Team Members:

Name of Submission:
Square One

Return the glowing ball Back To Square 1 to score.
You won’t be able to drop it once you grab it.
Flip the world upside down to return to the top.
Avoid the lava! It moves once you have the ball.

Completely randomized gameboard.
Dynamic physics controls.
Gravity control.
Auto-glitch/error correction (dealing with PhysX after all)

A & D - move left and right
L/R Mouse - grab with left/right hand
Space - Flip World

R - Hold to reset if stuck
F - Toggle Fullscreen
M - Toggle Music

MouseWheel - Zoom
ESC or Tab: Menu


