We have automated compilation Pull Request checks that run against our Unreal project. Example:
UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project="<our project>" -TargetType=Editor \
-Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
I noticed that when IWYU errors are detected, such as:
“…BaseCharacter.cpp(1): error: Expected BaseCharacter.h to be first header included.”
UnrealBuildTool will still return exit code 0, and the compilation check will “pass”. Even though if you attempt to launch the game through Visual Studio, it will fail on that error.
Is this intentional behaviour?
Is there some flag on UnrealBuildTool to get it to fail on these types of errors?
Is there an alternative command to UnrealBuildTool that would detect these errors?