I've downloaded Kit, where to extract it to.

HI I was following the steps in the main post and it says to extract it to a location that I don’t have.

“You’ll want to either download the ZIP, or “check out” that repository into the root directory of your ARK Dev Kit installation. Extract it such that UE4Editor.exe, UE4Editor-Cmd.exe, and all of the Editor DLL’s end up here:”

ARK Dev Kit\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe
ARK Dev Kit\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe

I don’t have a Binaries folder or at least i can seem to find it. I look in the steamapp folder and I see my Ark Dev Kit but inside the engine folder there is now Binaries folder. Can anyone offer any assistance as I’d be very grateful :slight_smile: Thanks

When you get to the GitHub page for Ark-Dev-Kit there will be a download ZIP button on the lower right. Once that finishes downloading you will a zip that has a folder named Ark-Dev-Kit-release and inside that will be Engine. Extract that Engine folder (and its contents) to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARKDevKit (or wherever your dev kit is installed) and merge the Engine folder and replace any files that are also duplicate if your operating system prompts you.

Amazing, thanks for the help! :slight_smile: