I've created an Infinite Voxel World, similar to Minecraft

Hate to say it, but you probably won’t be achieving good mobile performance with instances till at least 4.11 comes out. I am dropped to 30 fps with like 100 instances in view :confused:

Can you make an estimate of how long it took to make all this?

By the way, why did you use Blueprint and not C++? I know programming, and frankly those fat Blueprint nodes kinda put me off, yet I still find myself using more Blueprint than actual code. :slight_smile:

I think it’s because Blueprint is programming, too. But in a such a different why that just makes me curious.

It’s not against the law to make a clone, though. There are even tons of them out there already, commercial ones and free ones. And Mojang does’t even understand the law. That’s how Bethesda could troll Mojang regarding the use of the English world “Scrolls”. So for as long as he doesn’t use any actual content from the game itself, there shouldn’t be any problems here.

It’s not about whether this is against the law or not though, if you provoke them by making a 1-1 copy then they could cause legal trouble anyway (they have the money to do what they want :p).
Anyway I’m just saying! I’m not a lawyer or anything.

Yes, at times not even the law knows the law, this is what Big Cat Capitalism can exploit. And this is how Bethesda could pretend that they own the English term “Scrolls”. Not to mention the fact that Mojang’s Scrolls has close to nothing in common with The Elder Scrolls whatsoever.

If Donald Duck Trump won the precedentcy, then you would see more of this nonsense right after the building of the Great Wall of America (Fincaned with Mexico’s own money. Genious.). :smiley:

Awesome work! I do hope you release this as a learning resource, I think there is tons the community can learn from your hard work. To get such a massive open world game to run smoothly using nothing but blueprints is just phenomenal. Again thanks and hope to here a release date soon :slight_smile:

Wow! I’m speechless. Is there maybe a tutorial on how you get only the visible blocks to render and keep the other blocks hidden to increase performance? Cuz this would help me lots in my projects especially

Basically you loop over all the voxels and render the sides which have a transparent neighbouring voxel. Doing that sounds really bad but its actually the least expensive part of the meshing.

While this IS a close copy of the game its also not being sold as a game but rather an educational example. It’s to teach people. I think that we are going to see this exact phenomenon happen with more games as well and it really does need to happen. It will cause a wave in the industry and ultimately force AAA devs to have to innovate on game play or be copied with educational projects.

RIP my job in the coming years…

Anyway, is it possible for me to buy or download this project? I am really interested in just seeing it in action.

Hey there this was such a treat to see on my Epic Launcher today! I’m finally getting back in to programming after a few years. My last project was a 2d based tile shooter in XNA ( watch?v=PxJWFw8fqQA&index=26&list=UUvSvwWHCf5FoPNOQwSroC8w ). I tried to make a 3d version of that but the XNA framework was too complex for 3d for a noob like me. Finally Unreal is giving me the tools to help me with this! Anyway… as for how you could release this, my request would be to help people design a simple voxel engine and world grid/map. Hahah selfishly I ask this of course as I am attempting to do this myself at the moment and am having some trouble. That being said, I’m just getting started, again.

So yeah, a simple world voxel demo, or step by step tutorial beginning with the simple block class creation, grid array. and the terrain generation. Something like that I think many people will benefit from. There seems to be a lot of interest these days.

Thank you again and keep up the great work

I just love these Minecraft remakes, they are super cool and look just so great.

How do you learn this?

Looks like you recreated minecraft in UE. Tell me, what’s the performance compared to actual minecraft? because if it doesn’t make a major difference, that’d be really great.

Cool! Could we possibly get access to the source via github potentially? Either way, love the work!

OMG, I need to play this now! :smiley:

How I can download this ?

woah…that’s awesome…almost too similar haha you should add some cool fps elements maybe

Wow very nice , i will give it a try .

This is amazing. If you don’t have time to write a tutorial or technical writeup, please at least make it available in some form or another (marketplace?). I know there are a lot of us who are curious how to do level streaming like that, and aren’t sure how to get started. Brilliant work, and please show us more!

I understand that all the blocks are through ISMCs, but could you talk a bit more about how you did level streaming and view culling through blueprints? I understand a lot of these concepts fundamentally, but as a relative UE4 noob, it’s hard for me to understand the power of blueprints. Also you mentioned a blueprint->c++ conversion process. I’m not familiar with this, could you elaborate a bit more? Thanks for showing this off, and hopefully it can be a learning resource at some point!

Please, put this in as a learning resource.
Though I would prefer to have it free, I will buy this for a price of $10 or $20. Because it looks that good. :slight_smile: