I have a class called “gungame_player”
This class has an Attribute “Name”
gungame_player<public> := class():
var Score : int = 0
var Setbacks : int = 0
var Kills : int = 0
var Killstreak : int = 0
var Name<public> : string = ""
var UIButton : button_loud = button_loud{}
Player<public> : player
GungameManager<public> : game_manager_device
FortChar<public> : fort_character
Bots<public> : []sentry_device
Agent<public> : agent
in my Game manager, i have a map containing several Gungame Players
var Players : [agent]gungame_player = map{}
When i log the length of the Players array, i get 1 (Which is correct, as i am the only player there)
But when i want to iterate through the Map and output the Name, i get an error
for(Key->Value : Players):
Print("Test {Value.Name}")
This is the error:
Unknown(1,1) 2023.05.18-22.12.41:816:[VerseRuntimeErrors] Internal error encountered.
Vs code shows me, that Key is an agent
type and Value is gungame_player
Should’t i be able to access the name then ?