Iterate Map variable in a For Loop and Index Counter

Hi all! Is there a way to iterate a map variable in a For Loop while using an Integer to show the current Index the same way as iterating on a simple array? For instance:

Array Example
Array : []logic = array{}
for(Index->Value : Array): #Index here is an 'int' that goes from 0 to the final Index of the array
   #Do something
Map Example
Map : [string]logic = map{}
for(Key->Value : Map): #Key here is the value of the identifier of the map, in this case a type 'string'
   #Do something

My current workaround is:

var Index : int = 0
Map : [string]logic = map{}
for(Key->Value : Map): #Key here is the value of the identifier of the map, in this case a type 'string'
   #Do something
   set Index += 1

Is there a way I can remove the need to declare the ‘Index’ variable to keep track of the current index inside the loop?

Thanks in advance!