Item Placer Item Collision

I want to use the Item Placer in my creation, however I also need to disable the collision of the item in place.

I see an option for this in the editor (“Item Collision”) but it seems to be unmodifiable so I’m out of luck.

Item Spawner would work aswell, but even if I allow item pickup from only a nonexistent team the pickup popup still appears on the player’s screen. I tried to find a way to remove the popup but no luck here either.

Any ideas? This bedwars map has managed to do what I’m asking for with the diamonds and the coins.

Start the game and while the game move the Item Collision anywhere far away, then when you start the game save the changes and then your item placer has no collision any more.

Thanks, managed to figure it out myself!

hey, I know its an old post and things might have been changed or fixed, but how did you manage to remove the collision on the item placer? just like in that example map you suggested.