Item combine


Im trying to create a simple way to combine two items in inventory, click item which opens sub menu where you click use with and then you can click another item and it brings and out come like for an example you click knife then use with and then click apple and you get peeled apple.

How I should store the first item so that i can select the second item?


Started to do it so and its now working some how. Thank you!

This is more of a tedious thing than a difficult thing to do. You basically need to just store the items as 2 separate variables. So in your inventory “on clicked” events you would have to somehow link that to whatever means you “store” the item in that slot’s data and then use that data to set a new variable like “selected item #1” then do the same for the second clicked item, check if “item 1” is valid, if yes, “set item 2”, if not “set item 1” (this way you can determine if you already selected an item or not. And basically you just have to slowly logic your way through this. Just make it small baby steps and you’ll get there.

Can you please explain how you stored the Sot contents of the first slot? I’m trying to do the same thing and can’t figure it out.