When I import C4D file with datasmith,it duplicate a lot of same materials.
To find out the problem ,i exported a fbx from c4d to 3ds max.Then use 3ds max export to ue5.1 through datasmith.The problem didn’t show up.
I also tried export fbx from c4d to ue5.1. The problem didn’t show up.
I and my group use c4d a lot,so I want to use c4d datasmith and it’s reimport function.
We want to import a city to ue5,so there will be housands of materials, it’s a nightmare to change every single material.
please help.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Here is a temporary workaround while we fix it: If a texture tag has not default values for OffsetU/V and Tiles U/V, it will assume that the object needs its own unique material. You must make sure you have these values set to “0%” and “1” respectively:
I wrote a python script that does this for you. Go to “Scripts”, open a new script, replace the code and press the “Execute” button in the lower right corner:
import c4d
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The active document
def GetNext(op): # loops through all objects
if not op:
return None
down = op.GetDown()
next = op.GetNext()
up = op.GetUp()
op = down
if not op:
op = next
if not op:
while up and not up.GetNext():
up = up.GetUp()
if up:
op = up.GetNext()
return op
op = doc.GetFirstObject()
# set texture tag params to default
while op:
tag = op.GetTag(c4d.Ttexture)
if tag:
op = GetNext(op)
If you import again, it will create only unique materials:
If this does not work, make sure you have the newest importer: Maxon - Unreal Integration, you will need the version for either UE 5.0.3 or UE 5.1 and Cinema 2023.1.
Thank you for solving this problem. You were so kind that you helped me write a script. I will make good use of this script. Thank you again and wish you all the best