i try everything that you guys been suggested in previous question… but it still wont open…
help me… i almost done with the project…
Hi tison,
Try the steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.
If that doesn’t work, try the suggestion that Steve.White posted here. Let us know if that fixes the issue or not and post a screenshot of any errors/messages that you are getting.
Hi mr. Tj
Sorry im kind of busy with other project… and for the problems im still have the issue… i try every way that you suggested but it still crash… actually i begun to give up.
Later on ill post the dxdiag
Hi tison,
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that I mentioned above. Then post back here with the requested info.
That’s fine. When you post back with info it will reopen the post and notify me.
Will do… thanks for the quick assistance
hi mr tj.
this is my dx diag… i can debug the file from the luncher
You should be able to get the Debug logs by using the ‘Outside of the Launcher’ section here.
As far as your dxdiag, you are using a Nvidia mobile graphics card. Can you check to see if you have the program Nvidia Optimus on your machine? It is a performance program that shifts processing from your internal graphics card to the Nvidia. This program will sometimes conflict with the Launcher/Editor. Make sure it is keeping performance on the Nvidia card when the Launcher is opened.
Ok i try and check it. I will contact you later
Hi tison
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, just post back here to reopen the report.
Sorry for taking so much time… i havent try your suggestion… maybe tomorrow ill try it…
Thanks again for the assistance
hi, mr tj
ive already try your suggestion but still… it crash and the debug report didnt even appear… im afraid my os couse the problem… because when install and using it in osx its working just fine…
i try to reinstal the os then report to you after i reinstal it
Have you had any luck with the OS reinstall?