I am using Advanced Sessions Plugin blueprints and have set up a basic matchmaking and lobby system with the steam subsystem. Players click the find match button, they search for games meeting their parameters and if one is found, they join, if one is not found, they host one.
Now I am working on a group queue system from a lobby. The friends join lobby together through steam invites and the host is a listen server with everyone else connected as clients. The host clicks the find match button, it finds a game appropriate for the group of people inside that lobby and then calls for each client to join that newly found session (lastly the host would join it, once everyone left).
The problem is that as the host passes that newly found Blueprint Session Result Structure through a client owned RPC to all clients connected, the structure seems to lose it’s data and the client’s will not join.
I try to print the string of the unique build on the client which is receiving the newly found match information, and it returns as null (the unique session ID is zero) whereas the same unique session ID prints normally on the host that found that particular session to join.
My question is, IS THERE A WAY to have the host of a current session tell all of it’s clients to join a new session and then join itself? Just looking for a way to have group matchmaking here, so that lobbies with friends in it can join other sessions as a group, given the steam subsystem’s limitations.