IsWalkable not working properly?


I’m trying to implement a ledge grabbing and mantle system like in this video: Titanfall 2 Wall Climb, Ledge Grab & Mantle! Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Tutorial | Parkour Series #2 - YouTube

At 27:40 is where he’s adding the ‘IsWalkable’ branch check, the bane of my existence for the day.

The thing is, in my project, the IsWalkable check is always stating ‘False’, no matter on what surface I try it on.

I’m also using an FPS assets pack, with custom CharacterBP, animations and everything. Could it be something from this assets pack that makes this problem?

I’m slowly dying. Help me! HELP me please!

Thanks in advance! :smile:

If something is walkable depends on 2 things. The target primitive component and the character movement component. For example, a primitive component (such as a floor mesh) can be made impossible to walk on by settings its walkable slope. In c++ that would be

PrimitiveComponentX->SetWalkableSlopeOverride(FWalkableSlopeOverride(EWalkableSlopeBehavior::WalkableSlope_Decrease, 0.f));

If that is not the case it is your character, which is more likely if absolutely nothing is walkable with your character. Anything editable on the CharacterMovementComponent settings panel in BP could point at this.

hey there @Mihaitaba1! Welcome to the forums! So it sounds like your character BP may not have a set up walkable floor angle in it’s movement component. Here’s the value that determines what angle of a slope you can actually walk up.

If this is actually set, it could be that it is being changed somewhere in the character BP at different moments. If so it would be good to show us a little bit of your character BP since you said it wasn’t the one from the tutorial. Alternatively as Roy said it could actually be the objects themselves, and you may have to force their slope overrides. Hope this helps!

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Hey, thanks for the reply!

So my Character BP is from an FPS assets pack so it’s pretty complex - won’t know where to start showing you.

What I can say is that the Cube mesh and my CharacterBP’s MovementComponent have walkable floor angle and should be walkable.

Is there anyway I can find what sets my IsWalkable override?

Hey there @Mihaitaba1, I’m starting to believe it might be because your custom character handles movement a bit differently than the standard character movement so it might be ignoring the walkable slope altogether for a different method. Some controllers that use IK feet sometime use a different mechanism so they can determine height/slope on their own.

Here’s the documentation for overriding the slope height. If it doesn’t work, if the FPS pack might have some documentation as well which might give you some insight into how they handled it.

I’ve played around with the walkable slope and behaviour, both in the CharacterBP and the mesh of the Cube, still no luck. I’m led to believe it’s something in the project’s Blueprints (and there are many!).

I’ll ask the people that made the assets pack if they know anything. Fingers crossed! And thanks for the replies! I’ll get back here if I find anything that helps me.

So something happened, I’m not sure what, but it works now.

Thanks for the help tho! :smiley:

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I’m glad it’s working! If you ever determine how you sorted it out, feel free to come back and let us know! With that information and the character controller you used, it may save a user in the future with this niche info! Have a great one!

I’m not entirely sure what I did. I think I may have made a fresh project and migrated my components and BPs there and that fixed it, but I can’t remember exactly.

So if anyone’s into this issue, try a fresh new project.

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