Issues with the Root Bone

Hello, good morning. First of all, I apologize for translating this message as I don’t know much English.

Recently, I started a project using UE5.1.1. My idea is to use VRoid with Mixamo for the animations. I downloaded the VRM4U plugin to import my character, adjusted all the bones in the IK RIG file, and used the “Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets” option to duplicate the animation. Although it’s not perfect, it looks pretty good.

Now, the next step is to use the VRoid character to animate in Mixamo, but the animation breaks. So, I decided to animate using the mannequin in Mixamo, which worked, and I was able to duplicate the animation in the same way. However, when I checked how the animation turned out, I noticed it wasn’t correct. Upon observing the bones, I realized that the root bone is fixed to the ground, meaning the tip doesn’t move and stays fixed.

One thing I noticed when comparing it to the mannequin is that in the mannequin, the hips stay fixed while the tip of the root “line” moves. But with my character, the tip stays fixed, and it’s the hips that move. I’m not sure how to fix this issue.

I have managed to improve the character’s movement. The previous issues were due to not assigning the “j_bip_c_hip” bone as the “retarget root.”

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