Issues with Tank Turret Y axis Bone

Hi there. I have been making a tank for a practice game. There is an issue however with the turret I have coded. The Turret root bone works fine when I use the camera angles, However whenever I use the Child bone for the turret, it messes up as shown in the video below. I’m trying to use the gun for the pitch value, and the turret itself for the Yaw. If needed, ask me for the skeleton mesh image too. Just would like a solution to this, and if there is an explanation then that too please. Only Visual scripting atm.

uploading the video right now with a link cause apparently 46MB exceeds the 100MB upload limit

Link to the video file showing what happens. The controls get inverted when I turn back

What are the transform spaces of your Transform (Modify )Bone nodes? I resolved a similar issue by adjusting them.

Sorry… I don’t understand what you mean by that? Like what are those? I’m fairly new to Unreal blueprint, etc. but I still don’t know what some things are

Ah i figured it out. Thank you. The issue was within the transform (modify) bone as you said. For the rotation space, I had set it to component as it was set the same for the parent bone too, but it was actually meant to be relative to parent bone for this one

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