issues with replication. please help. game creation

looking for a little bit of guidance not sure what im doing wrong, probably lots but ive been struggling with this for a while :frowning: and wondering if anyone can help me with this issue

I am really not sure what you are trying to do. But PlayerController is not replicated, you should use Player State. Player controler is local only. It should process input to the controlled pawn, and that’s it. Make sure you replicate the pawn itself.

I’ve tried to set it up everywhere and for some reason it only wants to work withing the player controller im using my mouse xy to move a blendspace for the arm for the player stick and i have it replicating… but not on the right player it the viewport for that player it works but on the other client it moving his and not showing that its moving the correct one? its not replicating to the proper client or character

You should not do it like that. Input should not be replicated.
Player 2 joined Player 1 on the server.

Player 2 inputs forward.

You do not replicate the input itslef, you move player , and replicate movement event.
Watch this:

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but its not a montage. Correct me if im wrong im really new. Aren’t animation montages only used for specific animations like say i wanted left click on mouse to shoot the puck, then it would play the shooting animation? the way i have it setup is mouse xy using a blendspace animation to control the sticks rotation by mouse movement around the player, and wasd doing the same but for the actual character.

You only need to Replicate MousePositionAPC nothing more. That`s the value that change stick position.

I’ve also tried this but maybe im doing it wrong? i have set it to replicate in AplayerController blueprint plus the animation blueprint. this method the stick moves but it doesnt replicate to the other client

You are replicating two different variables that do the same thing, MousePositionAPC inside your PlayerController and MousePosition inside your Animation Blueprint.
And if that isn’t enough , you are also Multicasting an Interface call to the same variable MousePosition already replicated .

You are trying to flight a plane before even learn how drive a car.

When it come to replicate any type of player movement , you do it in your Character Blueprint which has the most important piece of code for networking to work, the “Character movement Component”

You never use your PlayerController or your Animation blueprint to replicate variables .

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Love This “You are trying to flight a plane before even learn how drive a car.” its very true im diving right into the deep end and don’t even know how to swim. Im trying to learn tho.
in the example i just posted i did disconnect all replicated events in my Skater_BP besides what i posted in the pictures minus the code within the player controller.
i see what your saying tho gotta find a way to get the movement to work within my skater_BP and scrap the code within APlayerController

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Bro for real I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything like that, I’ve been learning unreal for 2 years and I considered myself still in the crawling phase.
Do not rush it :wink:

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i prefer you being straight than beating around the bush, im old school man. structured criticism, i take it and learn from it. Much appreciated!

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