Issues with Project Launcher & Packaged Product

I asked about this at the beginning of the month but unfortunately no one replied, so I am going again.

I tried to use the project launcher about a month ago and it failed to launch the UAT, I’ve been using UE4 for a while and am getting better at putting a game together within the engine, but I’m still not 100% on what to do afterwards with regards to launching the game and putting it up for download.

I also had another issue when I packaged my project, it packaged the project and it worked well at first, it opened up and the main menu worked fine, but when I clicked the new game button to load up the first level, it crashed and closed down.

I believe this is a native Unreal error and I think it has something to do with one of the nodes in relation to physics, but is there an easy way to figure it out? I just want to add the download link to my online portfolio so people can download and play the first build of my game.

Any help on these matters would be much appreciated.

I never use launcher. File > Package Project > Windows 64. In your project settings check Full Rebuild.

That’s what I did, and it packaged the game and it launches it. The menu loads and works fine but it’s when I try to load the first level that it crashes.