Issues with preview location and snap to location when attaching weapons to char mesh

Alright so a brief overview of my system.

I currently have a weapon equip/unequip system that allows players to pickup weapons and use them whenever they want. Early renditions of the system only had one or two weapons so I could get away with using a single socket (under hand_r on the default manny mesh) and attaching the weapons to this point.


After adding multiple other weapons of varying sizes, however, I noticed that I’d need more than one socket to get perfect positioning. The problem is, that the socket locations (and by extent the preview location - using preview asset) is rarely the same position the weapon attaches to.
In the two images below I have the mesh version, where I actually position the socket, and the attached version, what it looks like after attaching to the mesh component.

As far as I can tell I haven’t changed any setting (rotation, location, or otherwise) so I’m not quite sure why this is happening. In some cases, the issue is more extreme with me needing to do some degree of guesswork to properly position the weapon(s) as the preview mesh appears to be misleading.