Hello everyone, thanks for looking at this issue I am having. Our programmer is setting up a blueprint to create a car seat. We are importing bones from maya to set it up. However when I change the joint orientation in maya for the seat bottom bone, the X is pointing up in Unreal (using local mode, and he wants it local in his BP) but in maya I oriented that Z up. I have no idea how to get this to work. Can bone orientations be changed in Unreal, or is there something in Maya/FBX I have to do. Thanks for the help. Frustrated here.
The way the bone is situated, its right. X is the forward axis. If you turn the bone so it is up and down, x is forward. I know, its perplexing, I’ve been through it. In maya, z is forward, so it should be facing up. If you turn the bone in maya, to where the bone situated up and down, z is forward. You have to counter situation in maya and know whether or not if you want to click the force x forward on import. Somewhere in there, is your answer. If I had maya, I would have a more solid answer, so I am truly sorry.
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