Issues with import heightmaps

Hello there,

I would like to take a Heightmap (GeoTIFF - OpenData) for my small UE (Version: 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1) Project.

Here are the original metadata from the GeoTIFF:

I changed the dataformat with IrfanView to PNG:

But if I try to load this PNG file to UE the Engine tells me, that the image is not Grayscale and the green grid shows no elevation changes.

Where is my fault?

Thanks for your help!

Okay, I have no idea, why I now could import the same PNG file, but however I get my landscape, but the height seems to be superelevated.

And for the “painting” I created a material out of a Orthophoto. But there is something wrong too. But the Orthofoto is 1.000x1.000 like the Heightmap.

So, after some more houres I strictly follow this guide Landscape import basics | Community tutorial and shazam I got my wished resoult. Now I just need to get better Orthofotos …

Would be so nice if I could just embed WMS Services :smiley: … but therefor my PNG files would need to have georeferencing (or 2 WMS Services: one for the height and the other for the orthophotos :D).

Have a nice evening!