Issues with Game Thread

Hello, I was starting to build some levels and found an issue where spawning AI starts to overload the Game Thread. I just learned about game/render thread a couple days ago so bear with me. Here’s what my stat unit displays.
I’ve also spent a considerable amount of time in Unreal Insight and I can’t figure it out since I’m still not sure what I’m looking at. But here’s an average frame from there.

And I’ve also tried looking at the Profiler in Frontend but again I don’t know what I’m looking at. Most of the dropdowns just say “Cpu Stalled - Wait For Event”. I have a pic here and I hovered over one to show what most of them look like.

So my big question is what is causing this? I’ve looked through every stat board and it has to be something that’s happening on the Game Thread but I just don’t know what it is

Edit: Alternate Question, if the game thread looks good (It’s in the green so it should be good I’m guessing) why is my FPS so bad? Is this just a UE5 thing?

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After further research, it seems that UE 5.2 Performance is just this bad. Making an FPS, barely scraping 100 FPS is unacceptable. I won’t release it for months so I hope that in that time, they can improve the engine so it’s actually usable for games

I really recommend you add -statnamedevents command line argument in Unreal Insight so that you can get more information about the all threads.
Here’s the difference:

Maybe then you can find the bottleneck.

Those are Unreal’s other threads which can be ignored for now. Generally, we pay more attention to Game thread, Render thread and RHI thread.