issues with fab missing assets

im missing a ton of animations from my purchased assetd whats going on? (not only that one of them that i can see says “REMOVED” -because the seller didnt move it into FAB - so what now i paid and i cant use it anymore?

i cant even type in this ui because the window to write is bugged and i can only see a bit of a line. and i wasnt able to contact support which is why im writing here.

id also would like a list of my wishlisted items in the marketplace and i have no idea how to get it.

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How many Assets were Removed from your Vault?
For me, it was only 1 Pack which was maybe because of Stolen Animations (As it was Reported by lot of Users), Hence was Removed.

for context, i had 433 animation packs in my old marketplace list, now i only have 28(using tags animations, and animations(2 tags with the same name for some reason). i noticed some of them arent showing because i guess they dont have the new tags, but i see one saying removed because of "seller not moving to FAB) . still because all the tags are messed up its nearly impossible for me to check how many are actually mising

Are you referring to this one?

It was Asset by Orca Entertainment which was Removed before Fab, Since it was distributing Stolen Animations within it for various Sources.
Hence it was not Migrated by Seller, Although Seller is on Fab.

I was talking about this Pack.

Here is another Pack which was not migrated to Fab but is still available in Vault for Download.

Can you show others Packs which were Removed from Vault?

You should be able to Download Assets that were not Migrated to Fab form Epic Launcher Vault.
It might be Difficult to Find them but unfortunately it is the only way to Find them.

i think its where i am. im using the epic games launcher and then im in “library”

also yes, it seems like it was one from that orca guys. was this something i had to pay?(since i cant see it i have no idea) - i dont remember getting any refund on this one tho.

Are you able to Locate all Missing Assets on Launcher Vault or some Assets are missing from Launcher Vault?

It was in Free for Month, I don’t remember which Month.

Just to add to this. I’ve also noticed there are items in the FAB that I can locate on the website, yet unable to find them in my library despite owning it. Here’s a perfect example.

The item I’m looking for via FAB website…
Looking for the same item inside my library on FAB website…
Basically doesn’t show up at all even when narrowed down to Environment category.

Same using the FAB plugin inside UE5.5

Finally… If I use the Epic launcher to look for it, then lo and behold! It appears!

This is a huge issue because I’ve spent thousands of dollars on assets and now I unwittingly lost access to the bulk depending on how I search for them. I have zero confidence in locating anything anymore unless I try to search the fab website, the fab plugin, and the epic launcher.

Only after those 3 things have been searched can I even consider ‘oh, I must not have something purchased for this’.

Also, for the search terms, “stylized eastern village” works was tried for all search bars and so were variants. I’ve also attempted to search… by hand… through everything in my library one by one without filters. Still no dice… This really needs to be fixed.

Sadly, I’m new and can only post one image, however I assume this is reproducible and others can try as it’s a free asset currently.

I had some missing assets in my launcher too. I finally realized the Category filter actually had some categories turned off. I selected All and I think all my assets are available.