Hello, I am trying to build a ladder that the player can climb in my 2D platformer. I followed a tutorial on making a ladder, but when I tried to test it, the player didn’t move up despite me adding in the input axis move forwards and backwards. Then he had another video showing a bug with the ladder, so I followed it so I wouldn’t have similar issues, but it now teleports my player character on the x axis closer to the camera instead of climbing the ladder. I also am getting accessed none errors on my Ladder BP REF variable. I even added a movement input for move forwards and backwards after my input axis move forwards and backwards, and it still teleported the player character on the x position closer to the camera instead of climbing the ladder. Here is the code for my side scroller character, and my LadderBP as well as my animation graph.
Never mind, one of the comments on the guy’s tutorial video on YouTube said what he did to fix the issue and it worked for me as well, Turns out, I just needed to change the float number inside of the less than float after the get distance to function from 180 to 220. The animation is still buggy though.
If you know of a way to help me fix these of if there are some climbing animations that you suggest, then let me know. Here are my animations of what the climbing should look like.
Fix the Ladder reference first, then go from there.
It’s currently NULL/EMPTY, hence the error messages.
Get all Actors of Class does not guarantee a specific order. Just wanted to note that.
Delays in LOOPS are not good. Asking for garbage framerate. An array with 10 elements and a 0.1 delay is 1 sec to complete loop which equates to 1 FPS.
How would I go about changing the ladder reference. There isn’t an option to change it’s default value. Also I don’t see Is Element of Set Last Index when searching for it in the all actions of blueprint menu.
Umm, I tried importing the climbing animations from that tutorial you suggested, and it says that the Mesh contains root bone as root but animation doesn’t contain the root track. I tried using the basic UE5 Mannequin as that is what I am using right now, but I get this error message. I didn’t change anything except the skeleton. Also what do you mean by set cmc to flying?
Character Movement Component (CMC) has movement modes. When using “root motion” on an animation that climbs you set the movement mode to flying. This allows the capsule component to move vertically, thus not being bound by gravity (walking mode).
I never said to use the animations from the vid. Just provided a semi decent climbing tutorial. It covers the basics.
Did you retarget the animations properly? There is a process.
Do you mean the Set movement mode cause I have that for flying. I don’t think I retargeted the animations, I just selected the UE5 Mannequin Skeleton and left the rest as default.
I did a retargeting instead using the basic UE4 Mannequin skeleton for my animations and doing the retargeting system that way, and for some reason, the hands of the Mannequin clip into the body.
Well, Now my character doesn’t run anymore. And I tried using the updating animations, but they still don’t work. His legs are normal, but he doesn’t play the climbing animation itself, just the climbing Idle animation.
Well, looks like I fixed the character not moving when I run normally. But the climbing animation itself still doesn’t play. The climb Idle plays even when I’m moving up the ladder.
I am unsure as to what to do next. I followed your advice on using retargeters and found a video online using IK Retargeters. I followed the tutorial and while the bug showing the characters legs not snapping with the rest of the body when he enters the climbing animation is fixed, I am having problems with the actual climbing animation playing. For some reason, I doesn’t transition to the climbing animation and instead stays playing the climbing idle animation even when I’m moving.