That’s what I thought originally. But when there is nothing cast, it only reacts with the player character and nothing else.
I believe it’s an event issue, I don’t think OnActorBeginOverlap is the right event to use
Connect a PrintString node to Cast Failed and see if it prints anything when you place the potion into the coffin. If not, then the issue is in the collision settings. Make sure neither the potion nor the coffin trigger is set to ignore the other.
I’m a media student who’s trying to get a VR project finished for my professor but I’ve hit a brick wall and I’m not super familiar with Unreal Engine.
The project is simple and requires that the user put the Red Potion into the Coffin and a Statue appears.
Every blueprint tutorial I've read has suggested a configuration similar to this:
[ this is in the level blueprint ]
Sadly it doesn’t work and I can’t figure out the problem. Along with that, when I’m not casting the redPotion and just have the overlap event connect with the toggle it works.
If anyone can help me out, that would be appreciated.
If it works without casting, it means that a) collision is set correctly and b) casting fails. You have to understand why casting fails.
Now, when you don’t cast, the trigger will react to pretty much any object, not just the RedPotion. You need to make sure that what you place in it is the redPotion blueprint.
The problem wasn’t the cast to, it was the blueprint collision itself as it was set to ignore the trigger.
What I had to do was go into the collisions tab on the redPotion blueprint and set “Generate Overlap Events” to on. I didn’t realize that was automatically set to off (or even exist.)
Thanks for the help, Tuerer.