Issues with actor snapping

Hi folks, I’m having some issues in UE 5.2 with placing actors in the editor, as of the last few days. When I try to place actors, they snap to the centre of another object, or somewhere in the ground. I’ve got all snapping turned off in the UI, and in the editor preferences. Can someone tell me which setting might be causing this? I saw another thread from last year with a similar question with no answer, and one about UE4, where the fix mentioned there didn’t help (removing shortcuts for snapping in Editor Preferences).

Many thanks.

Video here

Screenshot of editor preferences.

Turn off surface snapping

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Hi there, thank you for your reply. I didn’t realise it was on, because the icon was greyed out, so went in and turned it off, however the behaviour is still happening. Is there something else I might be missing?


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Then I’m not sure, sorry :sunny:

Okay, for anyone else having this issue - I didn’t realise that there is another place that this is controlled from, in the settings at the top right corner of the editor. This seems to have been the issue.

When I unticked this box, I was then able to free place objects again.


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