Issues with actor not rotating correctly


I’m having a problem with my character not rotating when he goes around a corner in game.

		if (Actor1Position.X <= -900 && ActorCount == 4 && GetCurrentState() != ETypingRunPlayState::EGameOver && GetCurrentState() != ETypingRunPlayState::EWordRequired)
			FRotator CharacterRotation = TypingRunCharacter->GetActorRotation();

			if (bTurnLeft == false)
				turnWait += 1;
				if (bRotated == false)
					CharacterRotation.Yaw += 90 * DeltaSeconds;
					bRotated = true;
					GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Rotate right"));
				turnWait += 1;
				if (bRotated == false)
					CharacterRotation.Yaw -= 90 * DeltaSeconds;
					bRotated = true;
					GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Rotate left"));


			if (turnWait >= 105)
				turnWait = 0;

				if (bTurnLeft == false)
					CharacterRotation.Yaw -= 90 * DeltaSeconds;
					CharacterRotation.Yaw += 90 * DeltaSeconds;
			bRotated = false;

Any ideas? It’s definitely running the other statements in the Ifs so I don’t see why it won’t rotate my character…

Link to the formatted code is here:

I’m needing a solution to this issue pretty urgently so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Your “90” there should be “90.0f”. I don’t remember if there is any implicit casts done in int to float (whether the int constant is converted to a float, or if the float is floored to an int). If it’s the later, then I could easily see you getting 0 for the rotation. Other than that, just toss in a break point and see what the code is doing.

Sorry for the big delay in getting back about this. I have tried that but it does not seem to resolve the issue.

It’s no longer mega urgent as I have managed to *kind of * hide the problem but I would still like it to be fixed.

Any idea guys?