Issues with accurate Standalone Games? Possible bug?

So is it a bug for Unreal to only show the proper amount of current players on the first two window instances of a standalone game? If I run a 4 player standalone instance, the 3rd and 4th instance will only return a value of 1/4 players when showing match details in my Find Match widget blueprint. At first, I thought it was just my game, but I noticed this same issue when pulling up another random multiplayer template online and seeing the same issue. Yet, in New Editor Window mode, it’ll show 3/4 and 4/4 players just fine. Is this something to worry about in a full packaged game? or is this just an in-editor bug? If anyone knows of a workaround, please let me know how to do it!

I’ve attached pictures of what I’m seeing. You’ll see that I added a print string to see how it’s calling the player count. the first two screens are accurate, then the 3rd and 4th are not. Thanks for any info!