I am trying to follow along with the Unreal In-Camera VFX Production Test.
We are meeting with inconsistencies in the documentation, then getting different local results vs documentation.
I’ve downloaded the project from Marketplace: “Unreal In-Camera VFX Production Test”
From it, I’ve created a project, which by default creates:
ICVFXProductionTest > ICVFXProductionTest.uproject
Following: Docs > Getting Started:
Documentation Issue?
In the Getting Started section of the UE docs for this (link below), under #5/Add New Switchboard Configuration, the screenshot has me setting the uProject path to “TheOrigin.uproject”. Within this YT video, they’re also pointing to TheOrigin.uproject.
However, there is no such .uproject file included in the download of ICVFX Production Test. Where is “TheOrigin.uproject”? Is there some OTHER version of the In-Camera VFX Production Test that i should be downloading instead? All links to the Marketplace page above.
Assume this is a typo with the documentation, and the correct step should be to point to the project point to the project file that comes with the ICVFX Production Test: ICVFXProductionTest.uproject
Different Results, locally
Using the above workaround, the next few steps #6 - #15 are 1:1 with what we experience locally. Great.
Beyond that, we’re getting very different results.
Step #16
Our UE is very different from docs screenshot. Instead of the cave scene, we see the cove & logos on the geometry for the nDisplay Root Actor. Selecting & moving InnerCamera_Aee the mesh for the nDisplay stage
Step #17
Making changes in the UE instance does NOT update the nDisplay view.
Step #18
Similar to above, when we move around InnerCamera_A (under nDisplay Root Actor), we do NOT see the inner frustum (at all) in the nDisplay view.
So apologies…
A lot of information without the benefit of collaborating in real-time. But are there any additional resources that someone can point me to for getting some of these basic ICVFX > Getting Started steps off the ground?