Hello, all you beautiful and smart peoples.
Normally if I bash my head against the blueprint system for long enough, and read up on different functions within UE5 I can figure stuff out.
Except this.
The intention is for players to have a hover pack, which allows player to travel further distances, and gain more height in the process.
My earliest attempt has remained my best, but its still horrible, even set at average server emulation.
This form works in single player of course, it’s the only movement mode I haven’t been able to replicate.
And Oops, the screen shot shows a connection that doesn’t need to be made, regardless.
I believe that altering an individual characters gravity is the issue in multiplayer?
Any player sees other players movement as smooth, but its janky and full of rubber banding on the actual client that is hovering.
I already have Two ideas of how to make a hover happen.
#1 is with locking the Z axis to a curve, based off player height on entrance of hover.
#2 is with just adding velocity directly to the player character.
I’m not set on using any sort of gravity option, It’s just that I made a gun, that either raises or lowers a targets gravity, and the idea of increasing some ones gravity as they are trying to hover away, so they fall to their death is hilarious to me, same with lowering some ones gravity while they are mid air, so they fly off uncontrollably.
Thanks in advance for any answers, or insights.