I’m having some difficulties with my project. I’m still a beginner and I spent an entire day trying to fix my issue but, unfortunately, I can’t find a solution.
As you can see in the screenshots below, glass doesn’t render correctly when using lumen (1). It seems like the glass is containing a big amount of light and is almost like an emmisive material. In pathtracer (2), everything renders correctly.
I tried using different glass materials, turning different option on/off in the material, in the mesh and in my post-processing volume (like translucency raster or ray-traced).
I’m using a SunSky setup and didn’t change anything but lowering the base lux.
I am using lumen with every ray-traced options turned on.
Try setting your project to use DX 12. In the project settings - Platform - Windows. I think this is all a bit work in progress still so you need to find the solution that works best for you.
The glass whiteness is caused by your skylight intensity. If you turn off the skylight or set it very low then it will look good. I’ll use ray-traced translucency and put the reflections to lumen. See how that goes. But as I set: there is no perfect solution at the moment.
Another thing is how you start your project. It needs to be based on the archviz template. You can copy the config files from another project to make it an archviz project with default settings.
The ray-traced translucency and lumen reflections were already actived as well as directx12.
I’ve read your responses in another post and put the skylight to 0.005 and here’s my result. I can’t turn it off otherwise my glass would turn completely black.
I still think it looks way off and doesn’t look like a ray-traced render at all. Especialy for the objects that are behind the glass (i.e. left side of the picture and glass sphere).
I’m going to try with the archviz template later in the day.
Okay, after playing with the archviz template, I found some weird behaviours. As you can see, outside the building the glass looks fine but when put inside, it becomes a mess. I tried using differents exposures, turning down/up the skylight, directionnal light but nothing does the trick.
I have the same problem. I tried many combinations but I can’t understand why, with Raytraced translucency, everything that’s behind the glass loses all of its shodowing.