Issues launching game onto iPhone from Unreal Engine 5.2 - No valid certificate found

Hi there, I am having issues launching my game from Unreal Engine 5.2 onto my iPhone, which is a registered device on my Apple Developer account, my valid certificates are imported correctly as far as a I can see, and my bundle id is correct also. Despite this, it keeps throwing this error. I have even tried with multiple versions of Xcode installed.
Has any body ever experienced this or know how to fix the issue?

Hey there @AlexOD2321! Welcome back to the community! When building, did you receive the codesign keychain prompt? Another user had a similar issue, though it seems like your certificate seems to be failing before it gets to the keychain request.

Hi there! This is everything returned by searching code sign in the output log after the build fails

Does the Keychain prompt appear and rapidly disappear, (or appear at all) before it shows “CodeSign Failed”?

A small terminal like window pops up momentarily when building yes, is that the prompt?

From my limited iOS building I’ve done, previously I’d see this prompt during this process:

and if missed or didn’t pop up, CodeSign ExitCode: 32 would occur. Did the solution in the other thread change anything?